
Showing posts from March, 2017

I decided to wear my hair the way it grows… (Porosity Maintenance)

Now, I know my hair's porosity and density levels. How am I supposed to care for it? Although it is important to know your hair type, the journey is really centered on the actual health conditions of your hair. If your hair isn’t healthy it really doesn’t matter what hair type you have.  The journey to wearing your hair the way it grows is not an easy one. Knowing the porosity of your hair can make the journey that much easier for you. I did the hair porosity test; how do I care for my porosity type? Low porosity: This hair repels moisture when you try to wet it and hard to penetrate through. Tip: This hair is prone to build-up from protein-rich deep conditioning products, which can leave it feeling stiff and straw-like. Stick to protein-free, daily conditioners with humectants such as glycerin or honey. Use moderate heat with protein-free deep conditioning treatments to help open up the tightly bound cuticle. This hair requires moisturizers ric...

I decided to wear my hair the way it grows… (What’s My Hair Porosity?)

Let's talk porosity... Knowing your hair type will provide you with a starting point for understanding the best care, styles and types of products that will give you the best results. Now before you get started with trying to wear the latest hair style or stocking up on all the wash and go products you’ve seen advertised, it’s important to know how dense your hair is. This means, how well your hair can absorb and retain moisture. Knowing how porous your hair is having a lot to do with which wash and conditioning methods will work best for your hair. Figuring this out will allow you to maximize the benefits from the products you buy. In order to test the porosity of your hair there are a few methods you can try. I have found the following two to be the best proven options. The internet is full of other methods and recommendations. Always research and try what’s best for you. The float test 1.     You will need to fill a glass or bowl...

I decided to wear my hair the way it grows… (Products Management)

Being mindful of the products you use is a very important next step in your journey. You want to use the best products but don't want to overdo it or break the bank during the process. Do not become a product junkie! Let me repeat, do not become a product junkie. You want to stock up on products that are showing you results, not products you have seen advertised. You would have wasted a lot of money only to find these products don't work for you and your hair. I’ve wasted a lot of money buying product after product, while trying to work out what was best for my hair. To an extent there will be an element of trial an error when trying to find products that work for you, but I probably could have saved a lot of money if I’d gotten advice from people with similar hair texture to me, and did as much research as possible BEFORE buying products. Also, let me give you some more friendly advice: be careful about buying products based on the reviews of natural hair bloggers. Re...

I decided to wear my hair the way it grows… (How to care for my hair texture?)

I did the hair test and I have the following hair type how do I manage it?  Your hair type is just a reflection of your heritage and curl pattern. It creates different ideas and ways you can style and wear your hair. The most important area of focus should be on the actual care and maintenance of your hair. Type 3 hair: This is the most temperamental hair type. If you apply too much style product, it will cause your hair to be weighed down with greasy looking curls, and if you apply too little styling product you are left with a dry afro! Tip: The key to guaranteeing effortless, frizz free curls is proper styling product application. Always start with a fresh, clean scalp. Cleanse, Condition, Moisturize, then apply your styling product of choice.  It is best to use light products that will give you a nice hold. a)    3a - To avoid dryness for daily cleansing of the hair try cleansing your hair with conditioner only. b)    3b - To prevent ...