
Showing posts from June, 2017

A New Look

Today: I look at myself with a fresh lens, new outlook and believe that where I am today, is temporary. I have the power, strength and ability to see more and therefore strive for, seek and become more. I'm taking the limits off myself and realizing the word is for me. I deserve it and can achieve it all.  Change your perspective and you'll increase your outlook. Nothing is impossible!

Who Are You?

Who are you when no one is looking? That's who you are... "If you build your identity on anything that can be taken away from you, you’re going to be inconsistent and insecure, and insecurity can lead to depression and anger." You will forever be on a mission to please others, be like others, depend on others to determine and establish who you are. That's not fair to you or God who created you to be: special, different and unique! Remember this: "Until you start feeling secure about yourself, people are going to be able to push your buttons and shape your identity." "When you know who you are and WHOSE you are, people can’t tell you who to be, how to be, what to be nor can they push your buttons." They can’t get to you. You are secure and sure-footed in Christ. 

The Benefits of Smoothies

The key to fueling your body and have that sustaining "beat the long day" energy is to eat clean, nutrient packed foods that will work with your body.  But why smoothies? That's just one alternative that has great benefits. ·         Get your daily allowance of fruits and vegetables.  Consuming the daily recommendations of fruits and vegetables can be a challenge. Blending a couple of servings of each into a smoothie helps ensure you meet your body’s daily nutritional needs. ·         Easier weight loss.  There are a number of weight loss programs that promote replacing a meal with a liquid drink. Provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs via smoothies, cut out the unfriendly weight gaining crap from your diet, and watch the pounds melt away.  ·         Improved digestion.  Nobody I know wants to experience constipation or ind...

The Power of Extremes

I’ve learned in these past months that sometimes God must go to extremes to wake us up and/or teach us something 😭 . It’s in times like these that our trust and faith in God is most important. "My power is made perfect in your grace is sufficient for you."  If you are being drenched right now, I want to encourage you that things will get better. There is always calmness after the storm. The length of the storm truly depends on you and your attitude and outlook 😔 . It's not easy to see sunshine amid a major downpour but this is the importance of seeking God and trusting in Him to guide and keep you.  He will bring you through, He promised.


Fear will leave us paralyzed, afraid to try something new, take risks, explore new journeys... fear will cause us to pause on life. Now considering those options, are you going to let the fear control you, or are you going to take a risk of faith because you know you have a God who loves you? A God who will always make a way? If He didn't intend for you to live, there would be no breath in your lungs. Don't let fear keep you from accomplishing/ doing/ enjoying life.

Change Takes Time

  It takes time to grow.  The process of development is not immediate. It doesn't happen overnight. It takes time.  Think about pregnancy up to birth. The process takes 9 months. Then afterbirth it takes time for a mother to heal, a newborn to be weaned. Neither cycle can be rushed. Praise God for loving us enough to take His time to nurture us with milk (His word) before meat (our trials). Be patient with yourself. Our challenges, trials, setbacks, these are all part of our development and preparation.  What God wants to birth in us isn't something simple or takes time. Think this consistently, 'to be great takes time, trial and error and commitment.' Philippians 2:5-6  Love yourself enough to know "we are perfection in the making."

Greens have Power

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates I didn’t start eating vegetables regularly until probably a few years ago. I loved salads but only when drenched in dressing and the occasional missed vegetables; even then it was a challenge ensuring I ate greens every day, but I did and continue to do so! Whether it’s the taste, texture, or just the thought of vegetables considered to be “boring”, vegetables overall prove to be a challenge for many.   Now, here we are recommending that you fill up half your plate with them. Why? There is power in a healthy helping of vegetables. I’ll give you a few reasons and let you try to prove me wrong: Green vegetables are among the most nutrient dense foods available. They are high in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. Each one is packed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll, high in antioxidants and micro-nutrients. When you eat t...


Life is full of surprises, it's full of ups and downs. It can propel us forward or send us back.  "It has the ability" but you have the power to decide. Letting the challenges and pressures of life overwhelm us takes away our strength. It leaves us spent and unable to withstand the other challenges that are to come.  Today, and every day ahead, I tell you as I remind myself: there is nothing impossible for God, there is no challenge or obstacle that we cannot / will not overcome. You are more than able to break those chains, you are more than able to save your marriage, you are more than able to carry out that vision, you are more than able to find that job, you are more than able to have everything and anything that your heart desires.  God gives vision, He gives dreams, He plants desires... when life "tries" to gets you down, remember who has the power and strength... remember you are "more than a conqueror" and you deserve happiness an...

Self Love Matters

When it comes to friendships, 'we give them confidence boosts when they don’t feel their best.' We’re supportive of them when they fail at something and encourage them when they’re unsure of taking new challenges.  This type of behavior pattern comes as natural as breathing. So, why is it so hard to do this for yourself? It’s been proven that when we treat ourselves with the same kindness, patience and generosity we show others, we live healthier and happier lives. It is time to turn this around and adopt a few new habits. It’s time to improve your own quality of life (3 John 1:2). Accept yourself - focus on your strengths. When you identify things you are gifted at, it is a boost to your morale. Begin to list those strengths, make them visible (Philippians 4:13). Be patient - have compassion for yourself (Luke 12:35). Track your goals and accomplishments. Make them visible (Habakkuk 2:2). Become your own cheerleader. Avoidance no more - stop procrastinating...