Greens have Power

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

I didn’t start eating vegetables regularly until probably a few years ago. I loved salads but only when drenched in dressing and the occasional missed vegetables; even then it was a
challenge ensuring I ate greens every day, but I did and continue to do so! Whether it’s the taste, texture, or just the thought of vegetables considered to be “boring”, vegetables overall prove to be a challenge for many.  

Now, here we are recommending that you fill up half your plate with them. Why? There is power in a healthy helping of vegetables. I’ll give you a few reasons and let you try to prove me wrong:

Green vegetables are among the most nutrient dense foods available. They are high in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc and vitamins A, C, E and K. Each one is packed with fiber, folic acid, chlorophyll, high in antioxidants and micro-nutrients. When you eat them raw, you get the added benefits of live enzymes which are needed for improved digestion and nutrient absorption.

If that’s not enough: here are more reasons why green should be the part of your daily food intake:

·       Diversity (you can eat then raw, cook them, bake them or drink them)
·       Natural skin purifier
·       Boosts the immune system
·       Improves circulation
·       Purifies the blood
·       Provides steady energy
·       May ease feelings of depression
·       Promotes healthy intestinal flora
·       Improves liver, kidney and gallbladder function
·       Clears congestion, especially in the lungs
·       Reduces inflammation
·       You can eat them or you can drink them

Check out some great recipes to spice up your meals:

Hope you’ll consider giving greens a go.


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