
Showing posts from August, 2017


That's why there is such power in true friendships! "It’s natural to lose friends over time. People change. People move. All too often, few take their place." "We become known more by our titles, our accomplishments, or our kids. Increasingly we become known by what we do more than who we are." That's because today people don't know who we are...they only know / see what we do.   True friends know who you are (when the curtains are closed), they know who you can and will be and support your journey. They ask you the tough questions to push you. They correct you without fear of offending. They challenge you to take risks for your betterment and uplifting. They give you permission to be who you are, not less. They don't allow you to be stagnant. They encourage you to move forward and grow. They value you for who you are more than what you do. They help you reach new heights and your potential.  We don't get offended by their correcti...


"The root of anger is the perception that something has been taken. Something is owed to you. And now a debt-to-debtor relationship has been established." We should really stop to think about this: "How long are you going to allow the people who have hurt you to control your life?" When we stay angry, upset, in a rut, in our feelings...we are giving up our power, we are giving our energy and our healing ability away. We are giving up control. Why would we want to give that kind of authority over to anyone who has abused, mistreated, manipulated or harmed us?  This is written in God's word repeatedly for a reason: "forgive them seventy times seventy. And remember them or the harm they've done no more."  Forgive, clean out the clutter and press forward. It's not for them, it's for you.

Know Your Pace

God says: "There is a pace I set for you, a pace where you feel most at home, I want you to find it and keep hold of it, it holds great promise and reward. It is a pace that doesn't require you to rush to get to the finish line, it's a pace that doesn't stress you or cause you to's a pace that allows you to get to where I intended for you to be at the time I have set for you to get there." Trust that! "Trust that God is with you and wants to do things together with you where you don’t have to race to keep up."  I have learned that if you are racing, it's clearly outside of the rhythm God has placed within your heart and that's why you're not happy or content when you finally reach the finish line. "The race is not given to the swift or the's given to the humble and patient."  Remember the story: "the tortoise and the hare."  Everything has purpose!

How about some superfoods to add to your meals?

o   Tomatoes They contain lycopene, an antioxidant rarely found in other foods. Studies suggest that it could protect the skin against harmful UV rays, prevent certain cancers, and lower cholesterol. Plus, tomatoes contain high amounts of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.   o   Blueberries These berries are full of phytonutrients that neutralize free radicals (agents that cause aging and cell damage). The antioxidants in these berries may also protect against cancer and reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. o   Black Beans A cup of black beans packs 15 grams of protein, with none of the artery-clogging saturated fat found in meat. Plus, they're full of heart-healthy fiber, antioxidants, and energy-boosting iron. o   Oats Full of fiber, oats are a rich source of magnesium, potassium, and phytonutrients. They contain a special type of fiber that helps to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease...

Put Your Armor On

"When you embrace your value and God-ordained purpose in life, you will be able to walk in strength and confidence." Remember: "The enemy will take notice of a person once riddled with insecurity standing strong, and he will come at you like a thief in the night with his arrows of discouragement to break you." God's word says: put on the full armor of God to protect yourself from dangers and attacks. This armor is a conscious outlook training our thoughts, our words, our attitudes and our behaviors.  Mediate on my word day and night, let it always be with you - for it is your most powerful weapon.  God loved you so much, He made provision to keep you safe. He never said the road would be easy, He said no weapon formed against you will prosper/succeed. He said pain will endure for a little while but joy, joy will always comeback!