Put Your Armor On

"When you embrace your value and God-ordained purpose in life, you will be able to walk in strength and confidence."

Remember: "The enemy will take notice of a person once riddled with insecurity standing strong, and he will come at you like a thief in the night with his arrows of discouragement to break you."
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God's word says: put on the full armor of God to protect yourself from dangers and attacks. This armor is a conscious outlook training our thoughts, our words, our attitudes and our behaviors. 

Mediate on my word day and night, let it always be with you - for it is your most powerful weapon. 

God loved you so much, He made provision to keep you safe. He never said the road would be easy, He said no weapon formed against you will prosper/succeed. He said pain will endure for a little while but joy, joy will always comeback!


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