
That's why there is such power in true friendships!
Image result for Friendships
"It’s natural to lose friends over time. People change. People move. All too often, few take their place."

"We become known more by our titles, our accomplishments, or our kids. Increasingly we become known by what we do more than who we are." That's because today people don't know who we are...they only know / see what we do.

 True friends know who you are (when the curtains are closed), they know who you can and will be and support your journey. They ask you the tough questions to push you. They correct you without fear of offending. They challenge you to take risks for your betterment and uplifting. They give you permission to be who you are, not less. They don't allow you to be stagnant. They encourage you to move forward and grow. They value you for who you are more than what you do. They help you reach new heights and your potential. 

We don't get offended by their correction and if we do we don't truly consider them friends.


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