
Fact: the devil is a liar!

Trying to take matters into our own hands does not bring us closer to being like God. That's not our role, or His expectation of us.

Every time we try to control our circumstances, our future, and people around us, we are trying to take on a role that wasn't meant for us. We stress ourselves out (unnecessarily) and become overwhelmed with frustration. We stepped into a role that wasn't ours. We told God to take a back seat and tried it!

We are not meant to control things outside of our circle of influence, we can only control how we respond, how we deal with them. We are meant to only control ourselves. All these situations are intentional and meant to shape us, help us grow, strengthen us and our character. They are meant to help us gain wisdom and understanding. 

Let's let go of trying to do the impossible!


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