Get Unstuck

We can't hold on to the old spirit man and grab on to the new spirit at the same time. It doesn't work that way. At some point, we must let go of one to grab the other, or else we are not going to grow, nor see that lasting change or gain the promise that God has in store for us. 

Change / Reaction / Action are all choices!

Choices we get to make. We alone make.

Image result for unstuckWe want to be better than we must intentionally make wise choices in order to be better, in order to grow. 

"There is no growth without change, there is no change without loss, and there is no loss without pain."

If we are going to grow, we are going to have to change, and CHANGE means LETTING GO of some old things, old habits, no longer supportive friendships, no longer healthy relations to grab hold of some new things.

If we think we can hold on to both (past and present, old habits, past pains, failed relationships and all the goodness intended for us) what happens? We will get stuck in the middle, and end up nowhere and miss out.

Reality is some of us are stuck in the middle, and we are sinking every day because we haven’t found the "will" the "faith" "determination" to truly LET GO of the old patterns, the old habits, and the old ways of thinking and behaving/acting.

We have got to let go of our old ways. To truly see what the future can look like when we keep looking ahead, we've got to let go of the old.

Remember: behind you is what "was" not what "is" you're not missing out on anything back there! You already overcame it, you've already proven to yourself you are doing well without it, and that it's not adding any additional value to your tomorrow. 

So, don't miss your blessed future because you’re stuck in the middle. Let it go and fix your eyes on the promise of better and greater!


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