I decided to wear my hair the way it grows…(Hair Texture)

What's my hair type?

This can be a challenging decision for a woman to make in their life. Anyone with natural hair will tell you, the initial process is a true journey which only the strong survive. In this period, we are learning to love ourselves, take extra special care of ourselves and breathe life back into ourselves. In this period, we are learning to identify with ourselves and embrace who we are.

Of course there are many reasons one can choose the natural state. Less money and hours spent at the hair salon, not being able to get a good workout in for fear of sweating, breakage, over use of chemicals on the scalp. Whatever, the decision, I am sure it is one that you thought long and hard over because the process from perm to free is again not an easy journey.

For those who have made the decision to wear their hair the way it grows, there are a few things I would like you to consider:
1.  Learn about your hair – unlike processed hair, your hair will need A LOT of care and attention. You will need to moisturize it regularly. There is a plethora of information on the internet, however research is great but you must still know what works best with you and for your hair. This is the trial and error phase.

2.  Identify your hair texture – what is your curl pattern? Before you run out and buy any product because the video you just watched inspired you and now you want your hair to look like that. Won’t work! You first must know your own curl pattern. This simply means how your hair responds to products, climate changes, or looks after it’s been washed and dried. What we are looking for here is pattern. Your hair can be one of the following hair types (see picture for visual):
A.  Type 1 – straight: no curl texture, doesn’t damage easy (this is how ones hair would look after it’s been blow dried or straightened, if applicable).

B.  Type 2 – wavy: straight with a slight wave pattern, this hair type is prone to frizz because it requires more sheen to maintain the polish.

C.  Type 3(a, b, c) – Curly: this means your hair sits in an S shape. In this category there are different levels of the S shape (lower case s, upper case S, wide zigzag) This hair type is full bodied, climate dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage prone.

D.  Type 4(a, b, c) – Kinky: tightly coiled or zigzag resemblance pattern, slightly fine and can be fragile. This hair type is prone to breakage and requires a very gentle touch. It requires a lot of TLC because of its level of sensitivity.

Let’s find out your hair texture/pattern. Try the hair test: you’ll need:
a)  A fine tooth comb or brush
b)  A spray bottle filled with water (if it’s not a wash day)
c)  Part your hair and spray one of the parts a few times, then comb through it. How does your hair sit based on the images? You’ve just identified your hair texture.

If you notice your hair has more than one texture, this is ok. Many people have two to three different hair textures.

I would like to hear your story: What was your decision to wear your hair the way it grows?


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