I’ve thought many times about how different my life would
be if I’d given up when I wanted to. My story could’ve become something like,
“Yeah, I used to think I was supposed to be this, but I gave it a shot and
things didn’t work out. That’s just how it goes.”
I’m certain you’ll have to wrestle with occasional
challenges in different seasons of your life: a boss you don’t think you can
stand another day, a relationship that’s suddenly hurting, a dream that’s
running out of resources, a move that’s failed your expectations. When you face
difficulties, it’s natural to reconsider your huge, life-altering decisions.
You might ask questions like these.
Should I take my chances, quit this job, and look for
something else? After my spouse’s affair, is it time to move on? Am I really cut out to run a business? Should I cut my
losses before things get any worse?
In each of these examples and with most major life
choices you’re at a crucial fork in the road, and it’s time to decide: should I
stay or walk away?
Am I choosing to give up because it’s the right thing or
because it seems like leaving would be easier? Often the best and most rewarding decision you can make
is to stay the course even when it would be simpler to turn and walk away. I’m
not saying you will never need to walk away. But before you decide, ask
yourself, “Am I choosing to give up because it’s the right thing or because it
seems like leaving would be easier?”
Sometimes the greatest act of faith is
faithfulness, staying where you are planted. Years from now you may look back
and thank God that you decided to stay when it would have been easier to go. Remember, God made you in His image and He is the author
and finisher of your story. You are not a quitter. You are a finisher.
God, is there anything I’m trying to walk away from
that You want me to stay and finish? Will You give me Your strength to press
on? In Jesus name, Amen.
Article Author: Anitra
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