
Showing posts from October, 2016

Hold Your Tongue...

Don't judge any book by its cover...or person by appearance.  We can be to quick to pass judgement and miss so many great opportunities.  Holding your a reflection of true Strength! 


Change how you feel / see yourself on the inside and you've... gained the power to change your world and outlook.  You are the writer of your story! - Dee


Don't neglect today...because you're still focused on yesterday.  Leave the past behind, you're not going that way! - Dee

Truth about Patience…

Patience a virtue...?  This quote has helped change my understanding of patience: “Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.” ~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton I was taught growing up that patience was a virtue (Galatians 5:22-23), but I was never taught why. Why was patience a virtue? Most people get it wrong; they believe that patience and waiting are the same thing. Well, that's not true. What does patience really mean? Patience has nothing to do with waiting. Patience is all about "working hard while waiting for the results." Patience is understanding that the only way to get to where you want to go is to do something without anticipation. In my experience, patience meant, I would miss out on something I desired. So, I became the hare in the race of my life and would fast track myself through career choices and opportunities and even relationships for fear that I would be forgotten and miss out on something (avoidance)...

What's Worry Got To Do With It?

A nagging thought, followed by another nagging thought followed by a few more nagging thoughts…now all I’m thinking about is this nagging thought. Do you ever worry? I mean really worry to the point of losing sleep or developing a massive headache, or high blood pressure? Well, the word worry means in short "to choke" or "to strangle." Now, isn't that a suitable description of what worry does to us! What else does worry do? It makes a small problem look big. It keeps you from enjoying life; creates stress which can lead to health problems. Worry is that hard to reach itch that knows you can’t get to it so, it keeps coming back in that same place. Until you change tactics! You may be facing a few frustrating situations in your life. Even be looking at some circumstances that seem impossible. I believe no one likes the way constant worrying makes them feel, so why is it so difficult to stop? In the spiritual sense scripture says that we are to “cast all ...

Decisions Don't Always Come Easy

Every day we have decisions to make. Some decisions don't require much thought. Yet, people often say that they find it hard to make decisions. I’ve been one of those people. Unfortunately, we all must make decisions all the time, ranging from trivial issues like what to have for lunch, where to eat, what to wear, how to spend our time right up to life changing decisions such as where and what to study, where to move, should I move, what career/profession should I choose and who to marry.    Some people put off making decisions by endlessly searching for more information or getting other people to offer their recommendations. You must make your choice, and even if it’s not the best decision, the potential consequences are rarely worth breaking a sweat. That’s what we call “trial and error”, “if at first, we don’t succeed, don’t stop there…try again.” For a while I constantly kept relearning that the more you ponder a decision, the more confused and stuck you feel. You...

I decided to wear my hair the way it grows…(Hair Texture)

What's my hair type? This can be a challenging decision for a woman to make in their life. Anyone with natural hair will tell you, the initial process is a true journey which only the strong survive. In this period, we are learning to love ourselves, take extra special care of ourselves and breathe life back into ourselves. In this period, we are learning to identify with ourselves and embrace who we are. Of course there are many reasons one can choose the natural state. Less money and hours spent at the hair salon, not being able to get a good workout in for fear of sweating, breakage, over use of chemicals on the scalp. Whatever, the decision, I am sure it is one that you thought long and hard over because the process from perm to free is again not an easy journey. For those who have made the decision to wear their hair the way it grows, there are a few things I would like you to consider: 1.    Learn about your hair – unlike processed hair, your hair will need...

About This Thing Called Feelings

Do you ever notice that when you're in a good mood or spirits everything seems perfect and bright? However, when you're not in a good mood, everything gets on your nerves, drives you mad, and becomes annoying?    That's because our feelings tend to affect our attitude.  Emotions that are freely experienced and expressed without judgment or attachment tend to flow fluidly. On the other hand, repressed emotions (especially fearful or negative ones) can zap mental energy and hope and lead to health problems.  Therefore, it's important for us to recognize and identify our thoughts and emotions, and to be aware of the impact they have not only on each other, but also on our bodies, behavior, and relationships. As our awareness increases, we can find it easier to recognize what we are thinking, how we are feeling, and our attitude towards the experience. This can then help us choose to adjust our thoughts and emotional responses. Is it easy to always remai...

Be Still

Be Still...? What exactly does that mean or even look like? As many times as we hear that simple phrase...I always failed to grasp the concept until I needed to apply it.  Be Still in the English dictionary can mean not moving, and being quiet. But from a spiritual perspective, these two words take on so much of a greater meaning. Imagine a busy day of hustling and busting to get through that to do list...attempting that last minute cramming to get all that work done. It's overwhelming and exhausting. At that point, you're probably looking for an escape route just to catch your breath. Be Still!  What I've neglected to realize is that the work, the demands, expectations and needs of everyone will always be there but I won't always be there yet somehow, it will all still get done. Therefore, I have to ensure that I myself make time to rest, not be the decision maker, the fixer, or the go to person.  How in the world do I do that?  It's never easy t...

Take It Back

Don't keep feeling sorry for yourself. Your best days are on the way. It's time to eliminate the clutter in your closets (it's taking up space).  Pay attention to the lessons learned in the midst of every storm, it's God telling you a story and preparing you for what He has in store for you. There have been moments even days where I had no idea which way would be up and which would be down. It was all rolling into one another. I struggled with what I wanted to do with myself, what the next steps should be, and how I was going to get there. I felt I just wasn't making the progress I was meant to make at this point in my life based on societies standards. When I stopped to figure things out, I realized I needed to set my own standards and wasn't even acknowledging all the positive things that I had accomplished or the positive changes I've made. Try with all your heart and soul to count the blessings, it helps as a reminder of the silver lining you ha...


B.S.F.P is a nonprofit organization that aims to help youth reach heights they may have thought to be impossible. We empower them to understand that life is not a destination, it’s a journey and encourage them to take advantage of all it has to offer. I grew up in a culture that lived by the "community raises up the young people." We didn't have such exposure to technology, and social media wasn't the mainstream (good, bad and indifferent). We were focused on school, good grades and making a better tomorrow. We also didn't have as many distractions as exist today that leave our youth bewildered and feeling out of place and unmotivated. Today, if an individual doesn’t look a certain way, come from a certain economic status, have a certain style about them, they don't fit in. The desire to seek higher education is of less importance to youth today and school systems are losing the ability to keep them motivated and inspired. It’s hard to compete ...

The Thing About Advice...

If I wasn't an unhappy or single individual and decided to give advice people would say "what do you know about unhappiness or being single" you are always happy. If I was a single or unhappy individual and decided to give people advice people would say "what do you know about happiness or relationships, you're single and always moody." Guess what: This is just human nature for dealing with our current life and situations. And a good reflection of why we should be mindful of whom we share and consult life's ups and downs with.   I have learned that attempting to rely on someone else to tell me how to make life work, leaves me desiring a new life to escape the dreaded realities of situations I am unable to resolve. I have had some bad advice and then I have had some really bad advice. I was constantly looking for someone else to validate me or make me better. Didn't stop to realize no one has that ability except for me.  So, l isten the c...