The Thing About Advice...

If I wasn't an unhappy or single individual and decided to give advice people would say "what do you know about unhappiness or being single" you are always happy.

If I was a single or unhappy individual and decided to give people advice people would say "what do you know about happiness or relationships, you're single and always moody."

Image result for AdviceGuess what: This is just human nature for dealing with our current life and situations. And a good reflection of why we should be mindful of whom we share and consult life's ups and downs with.  I have learned that attempting to rely on someone else to tell me how to make life work, leaves me desiring a new life to escape the dreaded realities of situations I am unable to resolve. I have had some bad advice and then I have had some really bad advice. I was constantly looking for someone else to validate me or make me better. Didn't stop to realize no one has that ability except for me. 

So, listen the choice to receive advice is always up to you. However, at the end of the day the best person to give advice about what's going on in your life and what you should do about it is YOU. You know every detail of the causes for your situation, and you have the ability to repair, renew, change and decide what works and won't work. Stop looking for validation and look in a mirror and speak life, happiness, prosperity and all that good stuff in and over your life.

Remember: Stop talking about it to the wrong people; spend more time praying about it to the one who is consistent, makes all things possible and changes every circumstance without a price tag (James 2:14-26). 



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