BSFP, Inc.

What is BSFP?
BSFP, Inc. is an incorporated 501(C)(3) nonprofit youth mentoring and empowerment Organization filled with programs serving youth throughout communities in Rockland and Orange County, New York. 

What is the Purpose of BSFP?
Created out of an unmet need in our community, BSFP is creating an environment where youth are motivated to achieve, and feel empowered to become self-sufficient shareholders in the economic and social fabric of the communities we serve. 

We are striving to empower and reignite passion, confidence, determination, and inspiration in our youth. Showing them support and that they have resources, that we are here to help them thrive and fulfill their dreams. 

Is BSFP Only For Youth?
No, the focus of this Organization is to promote youth engagement, community participation, promote healthy development, and increase success and positive life decisions. 

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